Looking to calculate your trip mileage? Use State Mileage Calculator! Track and calculate IFTA miles per state, IFTA tax, IFTA fuel tax, gas mileage, gas cost, toll cost as excel report, leg summary and more. Travel on truck-compliant route for Hazmat, weight, height, width and length restrictions. For 2 to 9 axle trucks across US, Canada and Mexico toll roads, turnpikes, expressways, express lanes, highways, bridges, tunnels and carreteras.
Business? Integrate Toll API for pre-trip, on-trip and post-trip toll and route information.
Still not convinced? Just enter your origin, destination, Submit and see tolls in seconds. Fill the optional fields - mileage, toll tags etc. - to get more accurate results.
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US Toll Calculator
new-york Toll Calculator
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USA Toll Calculator
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UK Toll Calculator
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New-zealand Toll Calculator
Europe Toll Calculator
US Toll Calculator — See Toll Plaza Locations, Toll Rates, Toll Tags, and more