Puducherry Fuel Calculator

Looking to calculate toll tax between cities in India? Use the India Toll Calculator App! See trip cost breakdown - tolls, fuel and other charges, toll plaza, discounts, etc. Travel on the cheapest or the fastest routes to your destination. For all vehicles - car, pickup truck, truck, motorcycle, HCM, EME - across the India national and state highways, toll roads, bridges, and tunnels

Business? Integrate Toll API for pre-trip, on-trip and post-trip toll and route information.

Still not convinced? Just enter your origin, destination, Submit and see tolls in seconds. Fill the optional fields - mileage, toll tags etc. - to get more accurate results.

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  • Fuel (petrol, diesel, etc) cost
  • Toll cost
  • Toll plazas on map
  • Toll rates (for all payment methods)
  • Cheapest and Fastest routes
  • Reorder stops (Traveling salesman problem)
  • Truck complaint routes