Uruguay Toll Calculator

Looking to calculate tolls for a road trip on Google Maps? Use the Latin America Toll Calculator App! See total trip cost breakdown – tolls, fuel, and other charges, tags- TelePase, Televia, Autopase, Sem Parar, ConectCar, FlyPass, FacilPass, e-Pass – toll plaza, toll discounts. Travel on the cheapest or the fastest routes to your destination. For all vehicles – car, truck (2 axle to 7 axles), RV, bus, motorcycle – across all Latin American countries including Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia,  Ecuador, Venezuela and Guyana.

Business? Integrate Toll API for pre-trip, on-trip and post-trip toll and route information.

Still not convinced? Just enter your origin, destination, Submit and see tolls in seconds. Fill the optional fields - mileage, toll tags etc. - to get more accurate results.

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