Last updated on Nov 29, 2021 · 3 minutes
Millions of would-be holiday travelers prepare for road trips by reading about “Where should I go on holidays”, “What are the top US vacation destinations”, “Best road trips to take in 2021” and the list goes on. For some, the reading included “Best places to travel during covid”.
When we think of road trip costs, most of us do not plan beyond gas costs and miles to drive to our destination. We neglect to include tolls. Safe to say you’re not among them since you are reading this article. After all, many of the roads leading to the top tourist attractions in US levy tolls. From Mount Mansfield Summit on Auto Toll Road, Fort Frances Toll Bridge in International Falls, Florida Turnpike in Miami to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Let’s see what’s the best way to deal with tolls.
In the US, 35 of the states have toll facilities and some of them are among the costliest in the world. So, that’s one problem. Another one: even if you own a toll tag to pay tolls in your state, it may be possible that the tag doesn’t work for the whole of your journey. Avoiding toll roads may not be an option. When you look, you find that Google maps, Apple maps, TomTom and others do not provide toll information.
TollGuru helps you do just that…and more!
Better yet, the app shows the Cheapest and Fastest way to your destination by comparing routes for costs (tolls, gas etc.) and time (traffic, distance etc.) factors.
Post-pandemic, everyone is looking to save. A $50 savings in your trip budget can buy you more coffee. Especially when you are out to enjoy your holidays with time in your hands. That’s why TollGuru is already the go-to trip planner app for millions in the US and 50+ other countries.Let’s help you find a travel destination and show how TollGuru can save you travel time or expenses.
Now, let’s see how a trip from New York to Miami looks like with TollGuru.
Those taking the classic Route 66 road trip, are likely to encounter tolls in Indiana and Illinois. With TollGuru, avoid them all.