Serbia Toll Calculator – Toll Tax, Fuel, Route

Looking to calculate Serbia toll tax? Use Serbia Toll Calculator App! See total trip cost breakdown - toll charges, fuel, and other charges, toll plazas, vignette rates, discounts, etc. Travel on the cheapest and fastest routes to your destination. For all vehicles - across Serbian motorways including A1, A2, A3, and A4 and all other European countries – FREE!

Business? Integrate Toll API for pre-trip, on-trip and post-trip toll and route information.

Still not convinced? Just enter your origin, destination, and Submit to see tolls in seconds. Fill the optional fields - mileage, toll tags etc. - to get more accurate results.

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Electronic Toll gantry only accepting Toll tags


Toll plaza accepting Cash


Via points


Truck restricted routes




Check out the detailed usage guide to know more about how to use the toll calculator, how the calculator works and much more.


  • Cost breakdown (tolls, gas etc. )
  • Toll plazas on map
  • Cheapest and Fastest routes
  • Reorder stops (Traveling salesman problem)
  • Vignette rate
  • Toll charges (for all plazas)
  • Truck-compliant route
  • Customize vehicle dimension

The Serbia Toll Calculator app is Free for cars, SUVs, pickup trucks, LGVs, HGVs/trucks, buses, motorcycles, motorhomes with or without trailers to travel across entire Europe. You can also use our mobile apps (iOS or Android). 


Ready to integrate Toll Intelligence?

Get started with TollGuru Toll API or Cloud Services