Can I Travel Again? Why Not!

Last updated on Nov 29, 2021 · 2 minutes

As travel recovers in 2021, we adapt to new normal and adopt new tools to travel.  

After phases of covid-19 lockdowns, people are eager to get back on track and travel again. AAA predicts that travel volume would rise to within 5% of pre-pandemic levels with Thanksgiving getaways, Christmas holidays and New Year 2022 celebrations. Still, a good chunk of them is feeling dicey. What’s behind this dilemma of heading out or not despite the recent easing of travel restrictions in the US? Two things: Uncertainty regarding safe travel and an increased sense of cost-consciousness – both attributed to the pandemic.

With extensive vaccination drives in place, the Government is simultaneously spreading the word of safe travel guidelines. So helpful for travel-seekers. And considering their preference for road trips over flights, we conducted a survey to find what help they need once they hit the road. Here are the top queries:
We felt their concern summed up in this recurring question: Is it possible to drive across the US while avoiding toll roads?. So, evidently, people are looking to save on travel costs – reflecting the second part of the travel dilemma.  
If your thoughts tend to drift away in the same direction and tolls are bothering you, we’ve got your back. With the TollGuru app, there is no need to avoid tolls. It suggests the cheapest and the fastest route to your destination considering tolls, fuel and other trip costs. Yep! And then there is more to it to make smart travel decisions:
  • Trip cost breakdown (gas and toll costs)
  • Cheapest and Fastest routes
  • Toll plazas locations en route 
  • Toll rates and applicable payment methods – Cash, Tag, Pay by mail
  • List of accepted tolls tags/transponders on the plaza
  • Supports all vehicles (even with trailers)
  • EV trip planner with charging stations details (charger types, charging cost, operational hours etc.) 
  • Fuel (Kwh) and toll costs for EV 

Millions of travellers flocking to tourist spots across the US find TollGuru the ultimate travel companion. After all, a few dollars saved on the road is a few extra spent at the destination!

Time to get Back on the Track with TollGuru Trip Calculator

So, go out again and rediscover the roads. With new rules and tools, it’ll feel new. Go with your family. With your friends. Or on a self-exploring solo trip. Go by car, RV or your ever young Harley.  But do go out there. Because the roads are missing you as much as you have missed them.

See you on the roads!